Become a BettaLyfe Agent
Join BettaLyfe agent network and provide services that make life better for other people in your community, increase your income and access capital to scale your business.
How It Works
Sign Up
Register as a BettaLyfe Agent by filling out the online form to give you access to our platform.
Onboard Clients
Start onboarding Commercial drivers and self-employed professionals in your community, for easy access to our health insurance, micro-pension saving, monthly vehicle servicing and access to Loan.
Earn and Grow
Increase your income and expand your business with every registration, working at your own pace and a chances of getting a business loan.
BettaLyfe Agents make up to 1 million in commission within 3-6 Months of providing and promoting our services.
BettaLyfe Agent
BettaLyfe is the first Nigerian FinTech startup providing affordable health insurance, micro-pension savings, and access to Loan to over 70 million self-employed professionals and Commerical drivers in Nigeria. We are continuously onboarding agents to make our services accessible.
As a BettaLyfe Agent, you'll enhance your income, serve your community and access capital to grow your business.
We're seeking results-driven individuals with strong sales and acquisition skills—young graduates, business owners, POS operators, and NGOs—to register self-employed professionals and commerical drivers across Nigeria. This includes anyone not on the government payroll or without health insurance or pension plan.
BettaLyfe is the ideal platform to enjoy affordable healthcare, save for retirement, and have access to business Loan